Jennifer Valenti is a Maverick. A rule breaker. An all-together risk taker - often evidenced by her many battle scars, most of which she wears as a badge of honor in tribute to staying true to herself. She was born in New Hampshire, but didn’t grow up there. In fact, she didn’t grow up any one place in particular, having moved nine times by the time she was fifteen. But, if you put a gun to her head (and you’d have to), she’d say she grew up in Florida, hailed from Boston, but mostly was a New Yorker. Moving around meant learning to adapt quickly, which has certainly come in handy when you’ve spent the better part of the last two decades as a single mother raising two amazing young men (and a dog with separation anxiety.)
For every failure, she enjoyed equal success with careers in film and television, technology, and consulting, the latter two of which against much of her will. Turning her life now to writing women’s fiction, she hopes sharing these stories with the world will inspire others to embrace their own uniqueness, and more importantly, inspire them to find their own Maverick within. If you came here looking for permission to break the rules, consider this your blanket approval.